Stefanie Stantcheva

Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Political Economy,
Harvard University



Here is some selected media coverage of my research.


Marketplace Morning Report “Interest rates, inflation and the American consumer” [Podcast]

New York Times “The Matrix of Consumer Discontent” [PDF]

Financial Times “How much cash would it take for you to quit your job?" [Article] [PDF]

Financial Times “Is a recession worse than inflation?" [Article] [PDF]

Marketplace Morning Report “What do people think causes inflation?" [Podcast]

The Guardian “Is the US economy doing well? It depends if you ask a Democrat or a Republican” [Article]

The Wall Street Journal “Americans Really, Really Hate Inflation—and That’s a Big Problem for the Fed” [Article]

New York Times “No, Americans Are Not Completely Stupid About Inflation” [Article]

Brookings Podcast on Economic Activity “What do Americans think about inflation?" [Podcast]

The Economist “Is inflation morally wrong?" [Article] [PDF]

Forbes “How Zero-Sum Thinking May Affect Attitudes About Taxes” [Article]

Forbes “Why Do People Hate Inflation? New Research Uncovers Key Attitudes” [Article]

Independent “Why do voters think crime is up and the economy is bad when the data says otherwise?" [Article]

Financial Times “Central banks lower the bar for rate cuts” [Article]

New York Times “Good Economy, Negative Vibes: The Story Continues” [Article]

The Wall Street Journal “What’s Wrong With the Economy? It’s You, Not the Data” [Article]

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung “Warum die Inflation so unpopulär ist” [Article]

The Harvard Gazette “Why are we so divided? Zero-sum thinking is part of it” [Article]


WZB Berlin Social Science Center “WZB honors Daron Acemoglu for his research on prosperity and political stability” [Article] [Radio Interview, in German]

Reuters “Germany, France hold unprecedented cabinet retreat to oil cranky EU motor” [Article]

Financial Times “Are we destined for a zero-sum future?" [Article]

Le Point “Stefanie Stantcheva: la future star de l’économie, c’est elle!" [Article, in French]

Frankfurter Allgemeine “Dein Gewinn ist mein Verlust” [Article, in German]


NBER Keynote “Mobility: Facts, Perceptions, and Policy” [Video] [Slides]

ELLE Canada “ELLE 100: Women That Are Changing the World” [Article] [PDF]

L’Usine Nouvelle “Aidons les ménages à s’équiper en technos bas carbone” [PDF, in French]

IMF “Getting into People’s Heads” [Article] [PDF]

The New Bazaar “What do we think?" [Podcast]

Econofact “How People Form, and Change Their Opinions on Economics” [Podcast]

Le Grand Journal de l’Eco “Climat: Les Français prêts à faire plus?" [Video, in French]

The Royal Economic Society “Economic Journal Lecture” [Video]

The Richard Musgrave Lecture “Social Economics Surveys and Experiments” [Video]

Econimate “Social Positions & Fairness Views on Inequality” [Video]


Le Figaro “Stefanie Stantcheva, météorite économique” [Article, in French]

Harvard Business Review “We’re Bad at Measuring Inequality — Here’s Why That Matters” [Podcast]

Seventh Richard Goode Lecture at the IMF “How Do People Think about the Economy?" [Video]

LSE Talk “Europe’s Recovery Programs” [Podcast]

Harvard Gazette “U.S. Teens are Following their Parents into Racial Divide” [Article] [PDF]

The IFS Deaton Review “What’s Wrong with Inequality?" [Video]

The IFS Deaton Review “Major Economic Challenges: Inequality” [Video]

Les Echos “Stefanie Stantcheva, la nouvelle star de l’économie” [Article, in French] [Full PDF]

EconomicDynamics Research Agenda “Stefanie Stantcheva on Taxes, Transfers, and Redistribution” [Article] [Full PDF]

Harvard Gazette “Stantcheva Honored by Carnegie Corporation” [Article] [Full PDF]

Carnegie Corporation of New York “2021 Andrew Carnegie Fellows Recipient”: [Article]

Reimagining the Economy, Marketplace “Research Suggests We’re Misperceiving the Inequality Around Us”: [Podcast]

NBER Digest “Determinants of Views on the Fairness of Inequality”: [Article]

Interview in CSWEP News: [Article]


Odd Lots, Bloomberg “This Is How People Really Feel About Paying Taxes”: [Podcast]

L’Opinion “Stefanie Stantcheva (Harvard): «L’abandon de ses propres libertés n’est pas un choix permanent, loin de là»": [Article, in French]

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung “Der Nobelpreis 2030 geht an …": [Article, in German]

Interview in Dialogue Économique: [Video, in French]

Rencontres Économiques d’Aix-en-Provence “Politiques économiques : un changement de paradigme”: [Video, in French]

ABC (AU) “The Coronavirus Economic Shock will be Enormous”: [Podcast]

Vox EU Talks “The Polarization of Reality”: [Podcast]

Deep Background with Noah Feldman “The Economic Impact of COVID-19”: [Podcast]

New York Times “Trump is Waiting and He is Ready”: [Article]

NPR The Indicator “Even the Facts are Polarized”: [Podcast]

The Week “The Lie of the Immigrant Welfare Queen”: [Article]

Vox EU “Can populist economics coexist with pro-immigrant policies?": [Article]

Bloomberg Opinion “Why Hostility to Immigration Runs So Deep”: [Article]

ASSA The Deaton Review Session by Richard Blundell: [Slides]

France Culture “Entendez-vous l’éco?": [Podcast, in French]


Le Monde “Donner à chacun les moyens de mieux raisonner par soi-même”: [Article, in French]

Peterson Institute Conference on “Combating Inequality”, Session on Taxing Capital: [Video]

De Standaard on the Gaston Eyskens Chair 2019: [Article, in Dutch]

De Tijd “Groene belasting werkt maar als je auto kan ruilen voor bus”: [Article, in Dutch]

Vanity Fair “The 50 most Influential French People in the World in 2019”: [Article, in French]

Pour l’Eco: [Video, in French]

France Info “L’invite eco”: [Video, in French]

New York Times coverage of our paper “Intergenerational Mobility and Support for Redistribution”: [Article]

Society Magazine: [Article, in French]

Rencontres Economiques de Aix Session “La fiscalite est-elle decisive pour nos comportements?": [Video, in French]

Interview in Le Figaro: [Print version, in French] [Web version, in French]

Brussels Econ Forum Talk: [Video]

Op-ed on new French data and studies in Le Monde: [Article, in French]

Interview in Le Monde: [Article, in French]

Interview on TF1: [Video, in French]

Short Presentation on Surveys, April 2019: [Slides]

Interview in Le Monde: [Article, in French]

Alberto Alesina describes our research for Le Monde: [Article, in French]

Vox EU Video “Where does Innovation come from?": [Video]


NBER Reporter Research Summary on “Taxation and Innovation”: [Article] [Full PDF]

Vox EU “Taxation and Innovation in the 20th Century”: [Article]

Vox EU “Misperceptions about Immigration and Support for Redistribution”: [Article]

Project Syndicate “The Fog of Immigration” : [Article]

Nominee for the Prix du meilleur jeune economiste francais 2018 by Le Monde: [Article, in French]

Project Syndicate “Prisoners of the American Dream”: [Article] [Video]


Stanford Policy Brief, Dec 2017: [Policy Brief]

NBER Summer Institute 2017 Interview: [Video]


10 Big Ideas on Inequality at the Kennedy School: [Video]